• Question: Are ipads,phones and kindles bad for your health?

    Asked by anon-192529 to Sophie, Simon, Obi, Kelly, Jessica on 9 Nov 2018.
    • Photo: anon

      anon answered on 9 Nov 2018:

      Yes. I think so.

      These devices require lots of different components and a lot of energy and water to make them. This requires a lot of mining and chemical processes. All of this creates pollution and heat that changes the climate.

      Also when we have done with them, they are hard to recycle so pollute the environment.

    • Photo: Kelly Rushton

      Kelly Rushton answered on 9 Nov 2018:

      I think they can be bad for your health if you spend too much time on them – its not good to spend hours a day on devices – a little time isnt going to cause much harm but too much time can have lots of effects – you can get injuries to you wrists/fingers/neck/back from strain of holding devices, repetitive movements and having bad posture. Social media can also have negative effects on our mental health when people compare themselves to idealised things they see online. I think its best to get outdoors, spend time with your friends in person and only use your devices when you need to!

    • Photo: Sophie Morse

      Sophie Morse answered on 10 Nov 2018:

      Yes, I don’t think they are good for you. More and more people more time on them, not doing exercise, getting into bad habbits and not talking and interacting with the people around them.
